Monday, August 24, 2015

Confession and Absolution Song

I began composing this song about twenty years ago and finished it as I drove to church for worship on August 16. This completion of songs has never been my forte. That's a confession from me before you read this Confession and Absolution Song. (I have finished some songs over the years. But right now, I have about 180 song fragments recorded on my phone.)

There is a melody for this and all the songs, but since I neither read music nor play it, just the lyrics here for now.

A few years ago, a friend heard a few of my song fragments and encouraged me to finish them. Here's one.

Father, forgive us for all of our sin
Come, Holy Spirit, make us clean within
Through Jesus Christ, we know You're our Friend

A Friend indeed, but also our King
The One to Whom all creation sings
Our needy selves are all we can bring

Now all who call on the name of the Lord
The One Who saints and angels adore
You have new life and life evermore
© 2015, Mark Daniels

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